
The Who, What, Why, & How of Digital Marketing

The Who, What, Why, & How of Digital Marketing

January 16, 20237 min read

Are you a business owner looking to understand the basics of digital marketing? If so, then this blog post is for you! Here, we’ll explain the who, what, why, and how of this increasingly important area of marketing. We’ll look at why digital marketing has become essential for businesses today to stay competitive and successful, who should be leading your efforts (whether it’s an employee or outsourced agency), some common tactics used in digital marketing campaigns such as SEO and PPC advertising, plus how best to measure ROI on all your hard work.

An Overview of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a method of promoting products and services using various digital channels such as websites, search engines, social media, email, and mobile applications. The goal of digital marketing is to connect with customers through the use of interactive mediums to attract and retain them.

Overall, digital marketing is an incredibly powerful tool when used correctly and can help businesses reach new customers and grow their business. It’s important for businesses to understand all the different types of digital marketing available so that they can choose the ones best suited to their objectives and budget.

Why Digital Marketing is Vital for Businesses Today

As businesses today compete in the global market, digital marketing has become an integral part of their success. Digital marketing is a type of marketing that uses digital technologies to promote products or services. It includes the use of social media, search engines, websites, and email campaigns to reach potential customers.

Digital marketing is much more effective than traditional marketing as it allows businesses to target specific audiences with tailored messages and offers that are timely and relevant.

Additionally, digital marketing provides businesses with a cost-effective way of reaching large audiences with targeted messaging quickly and efficiently. With its ability to track customer behaviors and preferences over time, it provides valuable data that can be used for data-driven decisions in order to improve customer experience and loyalty in the long run.

Who Should Lead Your Digital Marketing Efforts?

When it comes to digital marketing, deciding who should lead your efforts is crucial. It can be difficult to decide if you should hire an outside expert, bring someone from within your team into the role, or even take on the responsibility yourself. The answer will depend on your individual business needs and goals.

If you believe digital marketing could help drive revenue for your business, it's likely a good idea to consider hiring an outside expert to lead the effort. Having someone with a specialized skill set and experience in this area can give you an edge in today's competitive online environment. Look for someone with experience in analytics, SEO, paid search advertising, content creation, customer engagement, and other key areas of digital marketing that could benefit your business.

Alternatively, if you have someone with experience in digital marketing already on your staff, they may be able to take on the lead role instead of hiring externally. This may be attractive because they are already familiar with your company culture and brand values which can make implementation smoother than bringing in new talent from outside the organization.

However, it's important to ensure that this person has the right skill set and expertise for the job. Without these attributes, they may not be able to achieve the desired results from your digital marketing initiatives.

Finally, depending on the size of your business and the resources available, you may find yourself taking on the majority of digital marketing activities yourself. While this is often not ideal, there are several advantages, including cost savings and having direct control over campaigns and their success or failure.

Just ensure you have enough knowledge and understanding of digital marketing principles before diving into such an endeavor, as ineffective campaigns could cost more money than necessary in the long run.

Common Tactics Used in Digital Marketing Campaigns and Success Metrics to Track

Digital marketing campaigns are an effective way for businesses to reach their target audience and grow their customer base. A successful digital marketing campaign is one that is tailored to the brand's specific goals, audience, and budget. Common tactics used in digital marketing campaigns include search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, and mobile marketing.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process of optimizing web pages to appear higher in organic search engine rankings. This includes optimizing content with keywords strategically placed throughout the page, improving the website’s overall structure and navigation, building backlinks from other websites to boost domain authority and page rank, as well as technical issues such as page loading speed and mobile optimization.


Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising involves paying for ads on search engines like Google or social platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn. These ads are designed to drive traffic and leads directly from the ad by featuring relevant keywords that will attract potential customers looking for products or services related to those keywords.

Content Marketing

Content marketing involves creating educational and informative content, such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, ebooks, etc., that help promote a product or service while providing helpful information related to the topic at hand. Content should focus on topics that are relevant to the target audience, so it provides value rather than simply being promotional material.

Email Marketing

Email marketing allows businesses to send messages directly into their customer's inboxes with updates about products or services they offer as well as promotions or discounts they may be running at any given time. Email newsletters can also be sent regularly with new content related to the industry to keep customers informed about new developments in the company’s space.

Social Media

Social media marketing involves creating accounts on various platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to engage with customers. It can also involve creating sponsored posts or running paid campaigns specifically designed for each platform’s user demographic to increase the brand's visibility within those circles.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is an effective tactic where businesses partner with influencers with large followings across various media types. The unique communication style of influencers allows them to build relationships with their followers, making them particularly useful for driving engagement.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is an important part of any digital campaign since more than 50% of web searches now come from mobile devices instead of desktop computers, according to recent

statistics from Google Analytics. Mobile apps can be developed for customers wanting a seamless experience when using your services online.

Measuring ROI on Your Digital Marketing Efforts

To measure the return on investment (ROI) for digital marketing efforts, a company must first understand the concept of ROI. Simply put, ROI is the amount of money a company invests into a particular marketing endeavor versus how much profit it will generate in return.

Digital marketing requires businesses to invest in activities such as website design, content creation, and email campaigns. Utilizing these activities can help to create brand awareness, attract new customers, and increase sales. By focusing on specific metrics like website visits and conversions or email open rates, companies can accurately measure their ROI from any given digital campaign.

One way to measure ROI is by using analytics software such as Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics. These tools allow businesses to track website visits, visitor demographics, and user behavior. This data can be used to analyze which strategies are producing positive results for the company and which may need further optimization or refinement.

Additionally, tracking conversions from email campaigns indicates success - measuring click-through rates, sales leads generated, and repeat purchases will help you determine the effectiveness of your promotions.

About G3 Innovations, LLC

At G3 Innovations, LLC, we create innovative marketing solutions for your business or organization. Our team of dedicated and passionate local marketing experts creates custom strategies for clients based on their needs and goals. Our clients choose us as we deliver only the best, optimal results to them. For more information, send a message to (808) 374-8810 or write to [email protected].

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